Inter-Library Loan
Inter-library loan is a mutual agreement among the school colleges and university Library. It allows students / researchers to make use of the library resources and facilities from other institution.
a) Upon receipt of request for issuance of a referral letter, the librarian requires for the student’s borrower’s card and inquires for the reason of the request.
b) The librarian verifies if the student has no current obligation in the library. Any account should be settled prior to the issuance of referral form.
c) The librarian informs the student to claim the referral form on the next day. However, the librarian requires the student to register on the logbook of inter-library loan
d) The librarian prepares two kinds of Referral form as follows:
Group Research Referral Form (LNUCL #19a)
Individual Research Referral Form (LNUCL #19b)
e) The librarian secures the signature of the Head of the Library before the issuance of the referral form.
Requirements and schedules
- The librarian will requires for the referral letter signed by the Chief Librarian or his/her representative issued by the school.
- Date of letter should be the actual date of visit.
- Name(s) of all researcher(s) should be indicated in the letter.
- Letters with open date and names are considered invalid.
- Letters with electronic signature are considered invalid.
- Erasures should be countersigned by the signatory of the letter.
After verification, the librarian endorses the user to the head of the library for issuance of Visiting User’s Form (VUF) and securing signature that affirms approval for library usage.
- Present the approved Visiting Users form and leave the I.D. (school/institution or company) to the assigned library personnel. And, register on the visitors’ logbook at the counter desk.
- Secure visiting users application feedback form
Proceed to the desired section of the libraries - Submit accomplished feedback form the assigned personnel before leaving the library premises.
- All library materials are for Room Use Only
- Visiting Users and Alumni are not allowed to use the Audio-Visual materials, Discussion Room and Faculty section.
- The Head of the Libraries reserves the right to cancel requests when deemed necessary.
Library Services
Borrowing and Returning
Inter-Library Loan