About Us
About us
The Lyceum-Northwestern University Library is a multidisciplinary library that serves students, faculties, staff and researchers of the University.
It provides high quality services and facilities that contribute to the education and research processes. It also has a rich and diverse collection of
materials and other resources as well as knowledgeable staff that are ready to assist to meet the evolving information needs of the user community.
The L-NU library will actively be involved in the research and extension service of the university that will evoke as a Center of Information on local culture and norms of the Region for preservation and of the cultural heritage of the Filipino.
The mission of the L-NU library is to provide information support to the teaching, research, and extension services activities of the college and to other potential users.
Library Goals
1. Improve the status of the L-NU Library System in
terms of personnel, collection, physical facilities, budget
and services
2. Improve the quality of the library program to fulfill the
requirements of the CHED, TESDA and other line agencies
of government including the accreditation bodies.
3. Use new technologies to provide easier, faster, and more
comprehensive user access to information.
4. Make public the L-NU Library system functions as integral
part of the total program for university.
5. Adapt and respond to the changing methods and increasingly
automated modes of resource sharing, as well as local, state and national inter-library cooperation in both the public and private
sector, while allowing local control of collection and their use.
Library Objectives
1. To improve an adequate, well-selected and well-organized
collection in support to the different curricular programs
of the college so as to meet the needs of all its patrons.
2. To provide research, readings and reference needs of the
members of Lyceum-Northwestern University administrative
personnel and alumni.
3. To provide means for the development of the students at all levels of educational ability.
4. To give the user quick access to accurate information about diverse aspects of human knowledge.
5. To provide lending services appropriate to different types of users.
Lyceum-Northwestern Library
response to the covid-19 Pandemic
Who’s who in the Library